Friday, 2 November 2012


Specific Needs
Where to obtain and who is responsible
·         Wintery clothing’s i.e. boots, coat, scarf, gloves, woolly hat etc for scenes that are filmed outside
·         Casual wear for scenes indoors
·         The actress/actors who play the roles will be told to get their own winter/casual clothing’s and if they don’t then me or Julius will provide the missing costumes

Recording Equipment

·          Digital Sony HD video camera and a digital SLR to record footage in a high quality and a tripod
·         Fill out booking forms in school to take out equipments. I and Julius are going to be responsible for willing out the forms.

Editing Equipment

·         The iMac are essential for the editing process of our music video as our footage will be saved onto the iMacs.
·         The internet ‘Safari’ will be used for any help while editing or quick research
·         We will use iMovie to put the whole video together to make a final music video
·         We will have to do this in school, in the Mac room. Me and Julius will take it in turns to edit and put the video together but we will help each other out

Sound and Visual Effects

·         A mobile phone to play the song so the lead character can find it easier to lip sync to the song.
·         Digital Sony HD video camera to do the recording
·         I’ve got the Parachute – Kiss me slowly song on my phone so we’re going to use that and we’re going to use a video camera from the media department.

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