My chosen idea starts off with an argument between the lead singer and his girlfriend in the video. It then moves scenes of the lead singer and his girlfriend in the cable carts, in the house and having a picnic. There are also shots of the lead singer performing throughout the video in an empty room with his guitar. Near the end of the video the female character receives a letter and she starts crying while reading it, the audience don’t know what exactly she’s crying about at this moment in time but she writes a letter to her boyfriend (lead singer) and packs her bags and goes to the train station. The lead singer arrives home and realises his girlfriend has left so he runs to the train station after her. When he gets there he sees her on the other side of the platform but then a train comes along and she disappears, the audience will think she has got onto the train but she hasn’t. Then there are back flashes of all the memories that the lead singer and his girlfriend have had and finishes with the lead singer crouching down to a grave stone with a letter on his lap that says ‘I’ve got cancer......I love you....’. This is where the audience realise she’s actually dead and all the scenes with her and the lead singer are all memories when she was alive. The letter she receives earlier on in the video is a confirmation letter that she had terminal cancer and she was going to die. The intertexual reference for my chosen narrative is of the movie ‘Ghost’ as in the film the guy is shown alive when he’s really dead.
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